Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sweden 2019

     I like to think of my father in law, Villy, as a modern day Francis of Assisi. He’s very kind to the critters in his domain. There’s a tailless magpie that he makes sure has food, he strategically places the bird bath under a tree so the smaller birds will be protected from predators, he shoos bees and other flying insects out of the house without swatting them. He is obviously a sainted fellow. Unless of course you happen to be a snail. In that case you will find yourself cast into a pail of salt water in which you will slowly die. So much for “all God’s creatures”
Snail Hunters

It’s been quite a few years since we’ve been in Sweden at Midsommar. It’s so incredibly beautiful! Hans, Hanne, Villy, Svend and I decided to go to a real Midsommar fest in the afternoon and then go home to eat mass quantities of picked herring and other assorted midsommar goodies like shrimp, smoked salmon and more picked herring. Oh and of course some decent aquavit. Midsommar is like Christmas in Sweden. The big important celebration is on the "Eve" So imagine our surprise when we got to the field that advertised the big midsommar fest to find it looked like a ghost town and the fest was scheduled for midsommar dag (day) Now that's just ridiculous. I refuse to blame my imperfect Swedish. Having a midsommar fest on midsommar day is like having a New year's eve party on New Year's Day. The day after is recuperation time, not festival time. What is happening to Sweden?
Anyway we went home, dragged the table out under the tree and had our mass quantities of food and drink.

We were visiting Sweden before and after our big Italy trip with the Danes. The timing was perfect. In addition to Midsommar, we were there for little Leonora's 2nd birthday. I guess she would be Svend's  great great niece. Or is it great grand niece? Whatever it is she's cute and sweet. 

So we are all going to Italy to stay in a villa and 90 year old Villy is going down to a farmhouse Denmark to look after Egon and Anna's dog. And the cows I guess, seems fair.

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