Monday, February 11, 2019


No matter how often we older folks rail against the Internet and the fact that the entire world is on a phone, you have to love the internet! What time is it, what's the forecast for the next few days in Rome, take my picture, how far to Sienna, find the car, what to do in Venice when it rains, let's call the kids, listen to music, check Facebook, check out what the Great Schism was all about while driving. I COULD go on (you might say I already have) Here are some of my favorite "phone memories"

  • Nuns taking selfies in St. Peter's Square

  • A Shepherd, literally with a staff in one hand, a flock of sheep behind him and a cell phone in the other hand (checking Google maps for "pastures near me"?)

  • Beggars with cell phones (call me old fashioned for even mentioning that one, of course they should have cell phones)

Of course when you depend on your cell phones (as we do) you get overly dependent on it and get the CT's (cell phone tremors) when for some reason you become disconnected. But you know there are still signs on roads or you could look at the art work involved in a statue instead of using it as a prop for you Facebook post. In Florence you would have thought the view of the city and sunset was manufactures for people to take pictures, nit to actually appreciate (oops- need to erase our pictures of Florence and the sunset from my posts)

As campers we are very appreciative of the Internet. In fact, I think we need to find a place to get haircuts. That's my last word on the subject.

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