Monday, November 12, 2018

Camping musings

Camping thoughts

I’m pretending to read while actually eavesdropping on my fellow campers on this glorious Kentucky early afternoon. Within the last 10 minutes there have been 2 new arrivals and the bitching I'm hearing warms my heart. Couple number one was arguing about her instructions regarding the backing in process. HIM; “Why did you tell me to stop?” HER: You’re going onto the grass”..a minute later..”Now I’m up on the grass!” HER “why didn’t you listen to me, I know what I’m doing? 
Couple number two, upon arriving and getting the dogs out of the camper. HIM; You need to pick up the poop” HER; “I can’t hold onto to two dogs and pick up poop” HIM: “Well I could.” HER: “Well aren’t you talented.” (She’s my fav.)
Meanwhile Svend and I who never bicker are enjoying the gorgeous day.

The good news is that now 20 minutes later and there’s happy laughter coming from both campsites.

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