Monday, November 12, 2018

Camping musings

Camping thoughts

I’m pretending to read while actually eavesdropping on my fellow campers on this glorious Kentucky early afternoon. Within the last 10 minutes there have been 2 new arrivals and the bitching I'm hearing warms my heart. Couple number one was arguing about her instructions regarding the backing in process. HIM; “Why did you tell me to stop?” HER: You’re going onto the grass”..a minute later..”Now I’m up on the grass!” HER “why didn’t you listen to me, I know what I’m doing? 
Couple number two, upon arriving and getting the dogs out of the camper. HIM; You need to pick up the poop” HER; “I can’t hold onto to two dogs and pick up poop” HIM: “Well I could.” HER: “Well aren’t you talented.” (She’s my fav.)
Meanwhile Svend and I who never bicker are enjoying the gorgeous day.

The good news is that now 20 minutes later and there’s happy laughter coming from both campsites.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Our first camping spot for the Tennessee portion of our trip was in West Memphis which is actually still in Arkansas. The site at the Tom Sawyer Campground was right on  the  Mississippi and perfect for watching the barges going hither and yon  (or is it thither?) it was a great spot. Unfortunately, beyond the berm and after the industrial area, the city of West Memphis is really crappy. Some of the streets were desperately sad and one wonders about how people live there. A subject to ponder.

On October 28th we finally made Graceland. I always liked Elvis, now I love him.  Such a crazy, sweet, generous boy who died way too young. We really didn’t expect it to be so enjoyable! Tacky, sentimental, overpriced and enjoyable. Recommendation-I don’t believe the VIP tourers got very much more that us regular schleps. They had a guided tour, but  while eavesdropping on them, we knew everything the guide said was in some sign or mini movie we all could see. 
Bottom line Elvis was talented, sweet, kind, and he loved his mother.      

The next Memphis surprise was Beale St, the Memphis mini version of Bourbon St which in my opinion was a good thing. We went to four different places and each was wonderful. All different, a one man band from 
Alabama who was very versatile, a Johnny Cash cover band where the aging (or already aged) rocker had many interesting “I was there stories”, A 5 piece band with a female fiddler who went off on a wonderful fiddler tangent. oh and they served fried baloney sandwiches there, the perfect repast. And finally a trueBlues band, complete with an old blind man as the lead vocalist. That was my personal favorite, Svend liked the Johnny Cash band. Bottom line, they were all excellent. 

Now this brings me to a little aside. We were in Hot Springs Arkansas a couple weeks previously and were chatting with a very friendly guy about what we were doing etc. When we said we were going to Memphis. He basically said, aw what are you going there for? It’s not so good, Graceland Is commercialize Blah blah. We should go to Branson, Missouri, we’d hear better music etc. etc. And we did go to Branson and it was great, but Memphis was better. The moral of the story is don’t listen to old men in hot tubs. Unless you’re 
married to them. Even still..

Onto towards Nashville.

The trip to Nashville would be too long for one drive so we went as far as we felt like and decided to ask Mr. Goggle what was interesting in the area. (don’t correct me, I know it’s not goggle) It seemed Loretta Lynn lived nearby and she has a campground with full hook up. So off we go, over hill and dale trusting our lying little GPS. I knew she was pulling one of her little tricks on us when a large billboard with a giant Loretta Lynn head on this nice paved straight road said “ you're almost there just 5 more miles straight ahead.

 “Take the next left” said the treacherous  GPS lady, so of course, Svend went left onto a sorry looking dirt road. Now, you must understand, Svend believes in his heart, that the GPS lady is always right because she is a computer. I’m just a human from Dorchester so I can’t know that much. But you you would think a giant Loretta Lynn head pointing him to her campground might have held some sway, but no. Off we go up the big hill, then down the big  hill. Around a steep curve one way, then around the other way. A few more hills and curves, lots of trees, etc. etc and suddenly the GPS lady says “ you have arrived!” And guess what. There is was. I big nothing!  Haha you thought it was going to be Loretta Lynn’s campground, but it was more trees and grass and nothing. The sad fact is the GPS lady often turns out to be right, but thankfully not this time.

However, after having said all that. We came out to a lovely road, still deserted but an easy drive in a pastoral setting.
Suddenly there was a water mill and a beautiful mansion. Yes, Loretta Lynn’s house. Where you can take tour around the gardens and museum until 4 pm. Naturally it was about five past four. Still 
the campgrounds were nowhere to be found. We did finally reach them by phone and due to the fact it was “chuck wagon weekend” the campground was full. Now we really wanted to be there, but alas we had to settle for the local Walmart parking lot. Next time...