Sunday, November 13, 2016

Grammar Lovers Beware

Anyone who journeys through Asia knows that it is great fun to find and make fun of mis-translated signs. I didn’t say it was nice, I said it was fun. Here are some examples.

No grammar mistake, but fun anyway

Words on a wall

While Billow listening is important, sometimes you need a toilet!
New Spelling for New Balance

No happiness for the driver if Svend and I take this taxi!

Of course it is

Question - how would you get into this shop to buy the unknown dead things? Jump over the bananas?

What do you think, should we swim there?
I have no words for this one..

There's a lot charm here

I hate when lunch is sitting outside the restaurant

Wouldn't this be Pro British Mission?

I was going to order the shadow but I was too full.

Just a beautiful cup of Cha Latte!

Other non picture sitings:
The Mutton and Dog Butcher Shop -I'm going to have to find that place again and get off the bus with my camera

Singles’ day is a popular in the young people’s entertainment festival to celebrate their singles still proud. - an ad in the elevator at the Sheraton

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're having fun. These pictures and "translations" certainly made me laugh! Love it.
